Team Organization
The Project Team will include the consulting team and key leaders from City staff, as appropriate. The key responsibility is to review schedule and budget at monthly status meeting, logistical planning, and the facilitating the process.
The Advisory Committee (AC) will include members from City Council, Planning Commission, other Boards/Committee/ Commissions, city and department heads to provide on-going and specific direction throughout the entire project. The AC will discuss and finalize work program objectives, project team member roles, and civic engagement strategy. By including decision makers and department heads throughout the entire process, the City will underscore the importance and role of the General Plan throughout all aspects of city management, budgeting, and operations, and create stronger internal coordination.
Five Focus Groups will support the public process developing policy options for the public to consider and actions to implement the public’s vision. The Focus Groups include members of the consulting team, city staff, civic leaders, and local volunteers with interest or expertise in each team’s topic.
Each Focus Group contributes members and expertise to the CORE team which would be made of two focus groups working together on the integrated topics of Our Well Planned and Accessible Community. This CORE team will consider Montclair’s approach to growth and preservation, incorporating perspectives from the other five focus groups. In addition to developing goals and policies for each element, the other five focus groups will also review and assess alternate land use, circulation, and infrastructure scenarios developed by the CORE team. The Focus Groups’ work occurs in three phases throughout the project.