Latest Past Events

General Plan and AHMUD Specific Plan EIR Scoping Meeting

The City of Montclair will hold an EIR Scoping Meeting to provide an additional opportunity for input on the scope and content of the EIR. The Scoping Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, at 6:00 p.m. Please check the project website ( to confirm this meeting time prior to the meeting. Due to...

Visioning Charrette

Montclair Montclair City Hall, Montclair

A charrette is an collaborative and rigorous planning process that harnesses the talents and energies of individuals to create and support an overall vision for the City and AHMUD Specific Plan area. The compressed time facilitates creative problem-solving by accelerating decision-making and reducing non-constructive negotiation tactics, and encourages people to abandon their usual working patterns...

CORE Focus Group Meeting

Montclair Senior Center 511 Benito Street, Montclair

The focus group will discuss the preferred land use plan that directs new growth by reinvesting in key opportunity areas like the Station Area, Arrow Hwy Mixed-Use District, the corridors, and other neighborhood centers while protecting natural resources, respecting stable residential neighborhoods, and making great places. The focus group will also address transportation choices by...